Behind the scenes PHOTOS of our Season 1 production.

Episode 1

The Pilot - The Beginning

Kash & Crew headed to location

Kash & Dennis wrap 1st scene

Raylin on set with the munchies

Episode 2

The Shenanigans

Dr. Patricia, Red Lips Poppin'

"Say Cheese" TK, Jay & Kash

Mac, Kash & Raylin Buggin' Out

Episode 3

The Drama

Serious Scene, Simone & Ali

Deja with her ring light glow

M.Lewis directing the young ones

Episode 4

The Foolishness

Ali, cooking up another hustle

Nicole Brito, styling us proper. 

Kash, Big Plate & Big Plans

Episode 5

The Cusp

Nadine on the stoop, on her celly

Squad! Kash, Earl, Crystal & M.Lewis

Kid Named September making moves all year